
for any business

Trucks bearing the Isuzu N-Series badge represent perfectly balanced medium-sized vehicles for everyday applications. F-Series trucks are engineered to give the best possible availability and economy in a safe and easy-to-operate vehicle. FX-Series trucks are heavyweights that combine high-tech sophistication with the strength to move more loads faster and more efficiently than ever before.


our special offers

sell your truck

sell your truck to us

Interested in trading in or selling your current truck? It would probably be good to have an estimate of what it’s worth first. After all, selling your vehicle to us is a lot less hassle than selling it yourself. And you can often lower your payments by trading in a truck as well. Win-win!

We’re here to help you make an informed decision. Get in touch with us today and we’ll send you an estimated appraisal within 48 hours. From there, it’s up to you what you want to do!


take care of your isuzu

Your Isuzu is designed and tested to provide you with years of trouble-free driving, but every truck needs regular check-ups to keep it in top condition.

Whether your vehicle has a service plan or not, it is important to adhere to recommended service intervals within 2,000km or three months on either side of the interval. The service schedules below detail exactly what we inspect and/or replace at every service.

Remember, only Isuzu dealerships offer genuine parts, competitive rates for low cost of ownership, factory-trained technicians, specialised tools, and custom diagnostic equipment.


genuine isuzu parts

High-quality Genuine Parts are original equipment parts specifically designed, made and tested to help you keep your vehicle running at peak performance.

Our trained technicians know precisely which parts your vehicle needs – rely on us to maintain yours with the same parts used to build it.

Genuine Parts are designed and manufactured with exacting standards including attention to detail to achieve precise levels of fit and function, making a significant contribution to your vehicle’s value reliability, performance and integrity.

get behind the wheel of a new truck today